The Adora
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
The Adora
General Inquiries
For booking and other general enquiries please contact the Establishment by completing the form below. All enquiries are sent directly to the Establishment.
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
The Adora
The award-winning Adora Convention Centre in the business hub of Ho Chi Minh City, offers one of the most beautiful settings in Vietnam and convenient access to all the major visitor amenities in the downtown core.
As Dong Phuong Group’s flagship convention Centre, the facility hosts more than 3000 events within the group of 9 centers, and welcomes hundreds of thousands of attendees each year, while generating significant economic activity for the city.
Since opening in 1996, their mandate has been to generate economic and community benefits for Ho Chi Minh City through the management and marketing of the province's premier convention and exhibition facility.